Sunday, September 23, 2012

Coaches Corner

Important Notes for Parents/Athletes
·      Meet Schedule Change! Patriot Festival is October 16 instead of 17
o   Please note that the original meet schedule had the Patriot Festival at Occoquan Regional Park listed as Wednesday, October 17.  IT IS ACTUALLY ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16.  I apologize for any confusion.  Thank you!
·      Spirit Wear
o   Spirit wear has been distributed.  A couple of you still need to pick up your items.  If you haven’t picked up your orders through Burke Sporting Goods or the Team Shirt please see Coach Dietz. 
·      OYO Run Thursday
o   OYO stands for On Your Own…there will be no official practice on Thursday this week, athletes are asked to run or cross-train on their own.
o   On your own days are important, whether it is on a weekend or weekday. You are asked to do them for a reason, if you decide not to run on this day then you won’t benefit from your training as much as those that do their runs.
·      Academics
o   We are entering the fourth week of school, please make sure you are keeping up with your academic assignments.  If you need help in a class or need to stay after please let your parents and coaches know.
o   Being proactive in school will help you better balance sports and academics.  Don’t wait until the end of the quarter - that is often too late.  We want you to get all the academic support that you need, but please communicate with your parents and coaches!
·      Illness/Injury
o   We realize that a number of different colds or bugs are circulating the school, if you are starting to feel under the weather then you need to let your coaches know.
o   Identifying illness early will allow us to work together on preventing it from getting worse. 
o   If you are injured please follow the recommendation and routines given to you by the ATC and coaches.  IF YOU ARE HURT AND CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN PRACTICE THEN YOU SHOULD NOT BE RUNNING IN P.E. CLASS.  Let Coach Dietz know so we can work with your teachers to keep you healthy.

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